Jeff durbin debate

Pastor vs. Roman Catholic

Atheist Vs Christian: Do Ethics Depend On God?

Roman Catholicism's False Gospel | Collision w/ Jeff Durbin

Arguing With A Pro-Choice Muslim

Andy Stanley vs Jeff Durbin - Unhitching Christianity from the Old Testament?

HEATED Debate About GOD (With Mic Drop Ending!)

Is Modern Israel 'God's Chosen People'? | Apologia Radio Highlight

Christian Pastor SCHOOLS Jehovah Witnesses In EPIC Debate!

Pastor Refutes Protester

Jeff Durbin Explains Predestination

Intense Debate With A Mormon

Pastor vs. Mormon Missionaries (Amazing Conversation)

Pastor Pleads With Satanist Communist

Mormon Tells Durbin to Repent

Militant Atheist vs. Jeff Durbin at the Reason Rally

Pastor Durbin vs. 'Roman Catholic' Attorney

Is Protestantism Heresy? Pt. 1 - The Virgin Mary | Collision w/ Jeff Durbin

How Is Someone Saved? (Mormons vs Christians)

Amazing: Christian Pastor vs. Jehovah's Witnesses

Jeff & Sye Arguing with Millennials

Jehovahs Witnesses' Propaganda and Jesus | Collision w/ Jeff Durbin

Jeff Durbin and James White debate Greg Clark and Dan Ellis

GREAT DEBATE: Christian vs. Mormon on the Bible

The Bible vs The Book of Mormon